News & Publications

Glamour in the News

Ross & Jacqui Crowe, valued client’s and friends of Roger, feature in August 2015 NZ House & Garden: Click here to see for yourself.  

Enduring Again

In addition to the Flint House, Roger Walker’s 1969 Stroud House also won an Enduring Architecture Award recently, this time in the NZIA Wellington Region Local Architecture Awards.   Judges commented; “This house has worn extremely well. It remains a wonderful insight into a more gentle and optimistic time. The tiny but nurturing scale is […]

Enduring Award

Roger Walker’s 1969 Flint House recently won an Enduring Architecture Award in the NZIA Auckland Region Local Architecture Awards.     Judges commented, “This perfectly maintained example of a house from a classic period of New Zealand architecture is a reminder of how fresh, playful and essentially novel Roger Walker’s work was — and still […]

Walker in the News

Roger Walker’s Avalon Townhouses recently featured in the Hutt News as an exemplar of urban intensification.

A Gorgeous Apartment

Roger Walker’s work featured in this weekends Dom Post; Jill Wild visits a much loved apartment renovation in Wellingtons’ Mt Vic.    

Enduring Architecture Award

On Friday 25 October, we received an Enduring Architecture Award from the Waikato / Bay of Plenty Branch of the NZIA. The house was designed for Christine and Norman Harris in Lake Crescent in 1980. They moved to Katikati a few years later. Fortunately an enduring architecture award does not require the owners to endure, […]

Breathe Competition Wraps Up

The team from Walker Architecture and Design were runners up in the 2013 Christchurch Breathe competition for an inner city urban village.  The final announcement was made by the Minister of Building and Housing this week and featured a keynote speech by international judge Kevin McLeod. Our design is conceived as an inner city village arranged […]

Architectural Competition in Adelaide

  The existing Adelaide Hospital campus is to be relocated next year to a new building under construction and the South Australian Government launched a two stage competition seeking ideas as to how to best develop this important site at the edge of the city, adjoining two university campus’s and the heritage Botanic Gardens. 126 […]

Jake Walker – Photographer

  Newsflash!   My son Jake Walker has just returned from Australia and settled with his partner Gen, in Featherston. He is the world’s best wedding photographer and this is a shout out for his business. He is equally good shooting buildings and other stuff.  

House of the Week

Still beautiful after 10years on the coast; check out one of Roger’s designs as featured in Stuff’s House of the week.  Check out the project here.