Whakatāne Airport Recognised
Just over 12 years ago, I met my then new girlfriend’s father for the first time at a restaurant in Wellington. “Where did you fly from,” I asked. “Whakatāne,” he replied. “Oh, I designed Whakatāne Airport.” There was a pause (a nervous pause on my side). “I like Whakatāne Airport,” he said. And we’ve been good mates ever since. And it is fair to say that not everybody loves it – it has its share of friends and foes. But last... Read More
Airport terminal on the rocks?
Love it or loath it, ‘The Rock’ at Wellington Airport, welcomes visitors to a unique place, with a unique building. It doesn’t directly add any more visitors to the airport, but it does make their arrivals and departures more memorable and this is clearly its purpose. 30 years ago we did the same thing for Whakatane Airport. Our clients, the District Council, wanted a ‘gateway’ building that would welcome visitors to the Bay of Plenty. They... Read More