Park Mews – Wellington Modern

  Roger Walker’s Park Mews has been featured in Designer Hamish Thompson’s recent work “Wellington Modern”. The series includes an A1 poster and individual gift cards of Wellington’s most iconic modern architecture.     Support the local and celebrate NZ Architecture by clicking to buy a copy of the poster for yourself. Or look out for the fantastic cards in Unity Bookstore and other locations around town!        Read More

Zoo View

It was a sunny Sunday and so as you do Miss M and I went to the zoo. I hadn’t been for 5 years. I knew the animals were diverse but the buildings are now too. This was a pleasant surprise. Read More  Read More

Where has all the colour gone?

We did some drawings recently to assist in the restoration of a turn of the century villa in Mt.Victoria. As it neared completion, I offered to do a paint colour scheme free of charge. To me, colour is a really important dimension of design.  I never heard back from the owners. I wasn’t going to propose garish primaries, but but a sophisticated, refined colour palette to enhance the basic shapes, elements and decorative elements, but I didn’t... Read More

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines.

I’m not a fan of the term ‘petrolhead’. With the new fuels on the scene,  The terms should include ‘dieselhead’, ‘electrichead’ or even a ‘hybridhead’. I prefer to call myself  a ‘car-culturist’.   And it’s with this hat on that I was driven to visit the last ever round of the methanol-blend fuelled V8 Supercars, on the leafy streets of Hamilton. It was brilliant and I loved it. I stayed with my brother, and was also able... Read More

A tale of two cities

Last week, inspired by John Key’s ambitions, I caught up with Australia. Or to be more precise, Melbourne. It’s been said  that Auckland and Sydney are hedonist sisters, whilst Wellington and Melbourne are more the Brontes. Physically, whilst one city may one day shake itself to bits, and the other may burn to the ground, what interests me the most is the urban possibilities that younger Wellington can learn from its older sister.  (Even... Read More

Farewell Carmen

I would like to add my personal tribute following the recent death of Carmen. As well as being Taumarunui’s most famous export,  she needs, in my view, far wider recognition for her policies as a candidate in the 1977 mayoral election. We designed a café for her in Dixon St. that was refused a licence by the Wellington City Council on the basis that’ undesirable’ types might frequent it. 1970’s Wellington had a few raffish urban figures,... Read More

Verandah speak

Springtime came to Wellington in all its glory last weekend and after a quick trip to the City Market, Miss M and I celebrated with a picnic at Battle Hill, near Pauatahanui. I thought this may be is where architects meet with the Porirua District Council, but no way: it was far too idyllic. New little lambs were gambolling around eagerly enjoying their first (and probably only) year of life and the rural buildings at Battle Hill are all painted barn... Read More

Rog on Beauty

After 40 years in business, I’ve decided it’s time to leave the communication stone-age so have set up a website.  Not content with doing things by halves, I’ve decided to also enter the mysterious (to me that is) world of blogging. I’ve been told it’s a cheaper alternative to holding court at various Wellington drinking establishments to share my passion for telling stories and expressing opinions on architecture, planning, design,... Read More