Rog on Beauty
RIP Sir Michael Fowler: 1930-2022
Much has been made this week of the drive and vision former Wellington mayor Michael Fowler had as he oversaw major change to the Wellington CBD. But when I heard that Michael had died this week, I remember him as a a great boss who I learnt so much from and a lifelong friend and […]
Firmness, commodity and delight
I recently completed an academic essay for Curtin University in Australia, on the subject of ‘Delight in Architecture’. At 5000 words it is far too long for a blog, but long but here is a brief synopsis of what I wrote. The essay had only a limited intention to articulate design principles or develop any […]
Homeworld ’81: 40 years on
I’ve had a great trip down memory lane recently thinking about Homeworld ‘81 A few weeks ago I was contacted by a British film maker who was making a film to mark the 40th anniversary of this innovatove housing exhibition. I jumped at the chance – mostly because Homeworld ’81 was somehting I had been […]
The art of the architect
It’s a year since the country went into level 4 lockdown and the anniversary has provided a chance to focus on how it affected the country. My marking of the anniversary came a couple of weeks early when I held my first ever art exhibition – the Art of the Architect. It was during last […]
ARCHITECTURE POST COVID Like most , I have been self-isolating which is pleasantly distractionless and leads to thinking not possible in the familiar rat race. Our collective eradication efforts, together with the development of suitable vaccines ,will eradicate this incredibly contagious little enemy in the not too distant future. It seems certain that post-Covid social […]
Loving the Libraries
The new Turanga Library in Christchurch Square won this years John Scott NZIA Award for Public Architecture. Danish public library specialist architects Scmidt, Hammer Lassen Architects designed this important addition to the Christchurch public facilities rebuild with assistance from local practice Architectus. Its recognition richly deserved and in terms of public interaction it has over […]
Joe Lstiburek
Here I was, going to an after work function along with many building professionals and architects to listen to a “building scientist’”give a presentation, Thinking this would be all about flashings, durability and roof/wall junction detailing ,the promised food and drinks to be generously provided by the sponsor made the decision to attend viable. It […]
Save our unique library
A wonderful event a couple of weeks ago on the date of Ath’s birthday (he would have been79) was organised by the NZIA, seeking to guage public sentiment and offer supporting efforts to save Wellington’s iconic library building. After Judy Keith’s excellent introduction, Gordon Moller Spoke eloquently of the history of the Civic Square development […]
Whakatāne Airport Recognised
Just over 12 years ago, I met my then new girlfriend’s father for the first time at a restaurant in Wellington. “Where did you fly from,” I asked. “Whakatāne,” he replied. “Oh, I designed Whakatāne Airport.” There was a pause (a nervous pause on my side). “I like Whakatāne Airport,” he said. And we’ve been […]
Earthquake Overreaction
In the late 1990s I fell for a beautiful brick building in Egmont St. which is reminiscent of a Melbourne laneway. It has fantastic walkable connections to inner city shops, restaurants and parks. My apartment in this 1921 building, known as The Tea Store, was completed in 2000. Because the building was converted from a […]