Enduring Award

Roger Walker’s 1969 Flint House recently won an Enduring Architecture Award in the NZIA Auckland Region Local Architecture Awards.


08 Flint House


Judges commented, “This perfectly maintained example of a house from a classic period of New Zealand architecture is a reminder of how fresh, playful and essentially novel Roger Walker’s work was — and still is. In a series of individually-articulated volumes set in a grove of kauri trees, this family home retains all the intricacies of planning, shifts in level, intimacies of scale and generous connection to the exterior world through a plethora of skylights and windows that sets it in contrast to so many of its contemporaries and successors. Designed to be lived-in rather than as a style-accessory, this house, like others of Walker’s best projects, still has an important message to convey: the very great pleasure that comes from occupying architecture — and, by the look of it, of making it too.”